Thursday, December 13, 2007

New Illustrations

These are two illustrations I was hired to do for new blogs on Tuneology obviously a music blog and the other is entitled Politics Unplugged. is a lifestyles website for baby boomers, with entertainment news, blogs, and social networking.


Anonymous said...

I like the Tuneology!

As for Politics Unplugged...give me tail plugs and truck sockets!


Alex Pearson said...

i don't even know what that means... i googled tail plugs and truck sockets... nothing useful came up.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha...I just meant the idea I told you about the donkey and the elephant.

Be very confused.


Today Gallatin, tomorrow The Cow Palace

Alex Pearson said...

ok well if you had typed "trunk" sockets I might have known what you were talking about. I actually did sketch that idea, but it wasn't working.

Dude I get to enjoy the Cow Palace tonight!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, now I know.

I was wondering, but it was I who caused the confusion with my plunky spelling fingers.

I just had this great vision of a dark, stormy night and a wild eyed, flaring nostriled, braying donkey with a coarse hairy plug tail trying to kick a rearing, flapping eared socket-trunked bull elephant it the tusky jowels!!!


Kind of like Marvel Cards from the early '90's



Anonymous said...

We have reached the one week/no update mark.

You loaf!


Jeffrey Miller said...

Hey Nuke =)

I was bored today and thought I'd create a blog and then swing by yours and say hey.

Nice artwork by the way.

Anonymous said...

Good God man, do something with this space!


Anonymous said...

I love you man, but at least put up a one-line drawing of your black eye or something!
